Scientists print out the brain by 3D printing which can survive for 30 days

It has been the world’s attention for the 3D printing technology or bio printing technology in the biomedical applications. Once the study in this respect break through, which is likely to have a revolutionary impact to the future of mankind. Although most of these studies may take years to complete,there have been some very interesting findings appeared,for example, a team of scientists from Melbourne and Australia have achieved a truly groundbreaking success. They have successfully printed the cortical tissue with 3D,which is a kind of brain tissue.

The result was obtained by a team of scientists at the Melbourne University’s Center for neurological engineering. The principal of the center,Stan Skanfidas,who has expressed optimism about the small stem cells. Scientists use a special 3D bio-printer of the center,which form a six layer of brain tissue by printing. The brain cells that form tissues have been able to connect and communicate with each other, and they even form a folding structure that is identical to the original brain structure,according to the 3D printing alliance. Members of the research team of the project include engineers,neuroscientists, experts, etc.

Although this is only an initial success,it has brought dawn to the treatment of brain function in patients with recovery,such as the treatment of autism and schizophrenia,Professor Skafidas said. And a wider range of neurological disease may benefit from this success. Up till now,the study of this type of disease has had to rely on animal experiments,this breakthrough may mean that scientists can easily cultivate brain tissue samples of the patients,and then to test the effectiveness of drugs based on these samples. ” There is a hypothesis that schizophrenia and autism are caused by mother’s inflammation in the early stage of pregnancy ” The professor said.”We can simulate this condition in a culture dish and see how it affects brain development.

Yes,it will take a period of time to turn these ideas into reality. At present,these brain tissues(smaller than the peas) 3D printed by the scientists dead after 30 days because of the lack of blood and oxygen. The next step is to extend the survival time to 100 days, which requires the team to develop new technologies that can deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells. “If there is a suitable microbial environment, the organization will form a brain,it may be equivalent to the brain of the fetus 20-30.” The professor said. Moreover,because the brain cell in the 3D printing organization have formed a network and connection,scientists have been able to start to study the interactions between some genes in the brain,which may cause some common symptoms.

In short,its potential impact is in many ways. As Professor Skafidas claims that the result of this research have opened the way for scientists to learn the most mysterious parts of human body.”It’s the 21st Century,but we still don’t know how the brain works.”Professor Skafidas said.

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