Monthly Archives: October 2015

Plastic mould maker’s manufacturing process

Plastic mould maker's manufacturing process Injection muold manufacturing process and production process of other industrial products, are starting from raw materials through various processing into the whole process of the finished product. Many types of mold, its structure, purpose and requirements also vary, but Plastic mould maker's production processes also have in common, can basically be divided into five main stages: [...]

2017-03-09T03:23:12+00:00October 27th, 2015|Categories: Mold Technology|Comments Off on Plastic mould maker’s manufacturing process

Precision Injection Mold Manufacturer Industry Development In China

In China,Precision injection mold industry development is getting better and better. Many industry rising to the requirement of the mould, so precision injection mold manufacturer industry development gradually hot up, with the vigorous development of the electronic information industry and traditional industry informatization modification, plastic mold market prospect of a vast, global high-grade, china precision plastic injection mold [...]

2017-03-09T03:23:12+00:00October 18th, 2015|Categories: Mold Technology|Comments Off on Precision Injection Mold Manufacturer Industry Development In China
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